WHY? In Beang Bay are located few outstanding muck dive sites that can rival worldwide known Lembeh
Strait by the number as well as variety of bizarre creatures seen underwater. This
year we will organize special day trips to Beang Bay, upon request and when sea conditions are
right. The round trip from the resort takes about 2 hours and there will be a reasonable surcharge for extra fuel.
WHAT? We did the trip few times last year and the
list of things we spotted underwater is truly impressive: numerous pipefish (rough
snout, ghost pipefish, ornate, halimeda), great number of different octopuses,
rhinopias, devil fish and crazy number of frog fish (hairy, warty, ocelated,
striated etc, in total over 30 on one single dive!), few solar powered nudibranches as well as uncountable number (we stop
counting after a while) of many kind of nudibranches and slugs, loads of decorator and soft coral crabs,
seahorses and much more!
Here are some photos, all courtesy of our guest Sabine Gabriel...