Oct 28, 2011
New fibre boat
May 15, 2011
Beginning of 2011 diving season

Mar 5, 2011
Alor Divers Video is ON
Feb 1, 2011
School of Eagle Rays
Jan 30, 2011
long time no news...

This year I almost didn’t write on the blog. That doesn’t mean that nothing interesting happened. We were quite busy from summer up to December and everyday life doesn’t give us much free time.
The diving was rich in surprise these last months, several Mola Mola always so BIG, some new rinopias also Pegasus , harlequin shrimps and many of the muck diving critters.
The whales were still around like every year around winter time, they pass so close from the house reef that I’m sure we could see them if we were diving at that time.
I started underwater photography this year and I already put up a gallery on our web site.
So you can see all nice creatures we found this year…hope you enjoy the tour and don’t hesitate to write your feedback.
All the best till next time….Gilles & Neya