The resort is closed for already two months, rain is pouring at some times and all islands are green, very beautiful indeed. On the other hand visibility underwater is bad, and I postpone some exploration dive for the end of March, when it should be better.
Things are moving pretty good here: the new bungalow is almost finish, still some light to install but the main work is done (Some photos soon on this blog). Actually we work every day in improving little things but also at the resort maintenance ( bungalow, generators, engines ect…) . so we kind of have some working holiday, on the other end, we also are a bit on holiday when we are working…
Interesting news: This year, a dive master from Lembeh ( was working 2 years for lembeh Lodge, Denny) is coming to work here as a guide with Junko and me so plenty of good eyes to spot critters.